Shino Chawan Tea Bowl ー鈴木 五郎 "志野 茶碗"
Shino Chawan Tea Bowl ー鈴木 五郎 "志野 茶碗"
¥151,000 JPY
¥151,000 JPY
A voluminous tea bowl of red-tinged clay covered in pin-holed white shino glaze with a dramatic pattern in iron by Mino legend Suzuki Goro enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled simply Shino Chawan. It is 15 cm (6 inches) diameter, 9 cm (3-1/2 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Suzuki Goro has a list of shows and prizes too lengthy to go through, but the highlights are, Nitten National Art Exhibition, Nihon Shin Kogei Ten (New National Crafts Exhibition), Nihon Gendai Kogei Ten (National Modern Crafts Exhibition), Asahi Togei Ten-(First of Show and governors prize), as well as the Kofukai Ten among many others. He has a strong and devout following both domestic and international.